Wednesday 8 September 2010

Did You Know?

Not more TAX

As from today letters from HM Revenue and Customers will start dropping on to door mats all over the country, as they start the process of informing good honest tax payers that they have calculated your tax liability incorrectly.

It is estimated that 5.7 million of us have paid the incorrect sum through our PAYE coding notice (the tax free allowance used to calculate your employment pay) 1.4 million will have paid too little and a staggering 4.3 million will have paid too much and therefore are due a refund.

How has this arisen, many believe that HMRC is a 19th century organisation attempting to operate in the 21st century, the PAYE system implemented in 1944 is unable to cope with the modern demands of tax payers having multiple income streams and changing employment more frequently than ever before.

The new computer system costing £400 million pounds to install in January of this year has fallen short of the mark and this has resulted in over 2000 HMRC employers being taken off normal duties to instead tackle the recovery process.

A HMRC spokesperson said they are issuing 45,000 a week and therefore if you have not received a letter yet then you could possibly receive one any time into December based on the current rate of letters being posted out.

From my experience with both working for HMRC and regular dealings with them there is a high possibility that they could be issuing such letters well in to 2011.
There may be hope if you are asked to pay money back although marginal; if you contact me I will be more than willing to talk you through the process.

Monday 30 August 2010

Is it too good to be true?

A few days back I received an email inviting me to attend a seminar, although I am usually extremely skeptical of such invites from people I have not met. This invite has intrigued me slightly, is this the seminar I have been looking for the tips and skills offered could be just what I need to move my business on to the next stage.

So I decided to do a bit of research and find out a bit more about the speaker, yes his website appears on google page one, but not much is given away.

I post a tweet, nothing, I mention an associate of his and this gets one favorable response but only for the associate. What next I post a thread on the 4N Networking forum after some 8 hours and stacks of viewings one comment is left, and they doubt his credibility as a leader in his field although they have never heard of him.

What to do as I still feel tempted to attend the one day seminar.

A bit more research through Face Book I follow some of his friends and discover that I start noticing mutual friends, the emails have been sent and I await the response, but I’m thinking one day £65 what have I to lose you never know what you are going to learn do you?

I will keep you posted on the Peter Thompson Seminar......

Friday 27 August 2010

Too much to blog

When I started my blog back in June I vividly remember thinking that i would struggle thinking of things to write, how wrong could I have been it seems to be almost the complete opposite, I have so much to say I do not get enough time to blog it if you catch my drift.

So many inspiring things have happened to me this week, firstly it started off on Monday with a 4N networking seminar, as the marketing assistant for the Aylesbury group we were whizzed of to a marquee in the very wet country side of Northampton. We were motivate by the 4 networking team, swapped ideas on how to grow our groups and shared in some good old fashioned networking (welcome to my blog for those of you I met on Monday...enjoy).

Last week a client so pleased with the result I had secured for him with HMRC dropped in a small gift to show his appreciation , firstly it was indeed my only ever gift from a client and secondly it was not a bottle of cheap wine.
In fact it was a book called Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, what an eye opening and inspiring book, which has certainly made me think about my financial position and future.

The book has influenced me to such a degree that I decided to use it as a basis for my Berkhamsted Speakers club speech on Tuesday evening.

Working from my “communicating on television” manual project 2 – the talk show, I asked Roger Leffare, to interview me. The idea behind the interview was that I had just entered The Times 100 Rich List. I was absolutely amazed at the end when the attendees asked me if I was actually rich and if I was on the list, the entire room had bought into what i was saying and the presentation was a fantastic success, so much so that I won the speech of the evening my first ever.

Like I said at the start so much stuff happens I cannot keep up with blogging it all, I am on such a high this week I just know that something truly amazing and fantastic is about to happen to me.

Watch out for the video of the speech on YouTube, as soon as I set up the account and work it all out I will let you know so that you can make up your own mind.

Sunday 22 August 2010

The Week that Was................................

Can you believe it as we looked out of our upstairs window on Monday afternoon the BT van was parked on the other side of the road and the engineer (word to be used loosely) was busy at work in his green box.

The van disappeared and if by magic so did our telephone line and broadband.

A quick question have you tried living without the internet?

Well we did for five days I continually reported the fault to BT, who told me it was a major fault at the exchange, I started twittering about the service now BT follow me (Big Brother).

Friday evening they came to fix the major fault, or the two wires the engineer cut on Monday afternoon.

Thank you BT, I look forward to my compensation....

Sunday 15 August 2010


That got your attention, and so it should as tomorrow night at the advanced speaking club Cornerstone Communicators, I will be hosting the evening as Toast Master of the Evening (TME).

In this role it is for me to choose a theme for the evening, and I have decided that three or four speakers will have to present a press conference. I have chosen some themes such as “a breaking news story” “a celebrity” “Royalty”. I had thought that everything was well arranged until this morning I opened my email to find out I was a speaker less, thank the internet for Facebook (I never thought I would say that) a speaker was online Trevor Jones, and he has accepted the challenge.

If you fancy coming along to see how it goes please get in touch all are very welcome.


Blog for Sale, I have just read that Amazon are selling Iain Dale`blog and rightly so he is a bit miffed about it. This has got me thinking though do you think any would want to pay cash to read mine, don’t worry reader I have no plans to start charging to read my ramblings in the near future.